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作者: 文章来源:  点击数:3223  发布时间:2012-12-27


1998年,中国机械工业信息研究院与德国弗戈工业媒体集团合资成立了北京弗戈,并首先引进了德国百年历史的MM同信息院出版的《机电信息》版权合作。2002年更名为 MM《现代制造》——中国工业领域惟一的一本周刊。

2006年,弗戈工业媒体与北美最具权威的拥有80年历史的美国Gardner 出版公司开展全面战略合作。目前,美国Gardner 出版公司旗下的《现代机加工》、《模具制造技术》、《塑料技术》和《汽车设计与生产》等已经与弗戈开始全球合作。

2008年,弗戈工业媒体已拥有MM《现代制造》、AI《汽车制造业》、PS《流程工业》、PT《现代塑料》、PP《现代包装》、BBI《啤酒和饮料工业》、LP《实验与分析》等六大系列15 种B2B 刊物,平均每两个工作日出版一本期刊。依托50万的行业读者数据库,针对机械、汽车、石油、化工、冶金、电力、制药、食品、塑料、包装、建筑、环保、能源等行业定向精准发行。同时迅速拓展了专业会议、数据服务、在线媒体、展会快讯、再版重印和市场研究等多元立体媒体传播形式。每年组织专业会议和活动三十多场,参加各类展览会上百个,影响各行业读者二百多万人次,形成了真正国际化的权威工业信息交流平台。

1891, Vogel Business Media was founded as a publishing company in the German state of Thuringia by Carl Gustav Vogel and has been based in Wurzburg since 1952. With 122 years development, Vogel Business Media now is one of the leading media companies internationally with some 20 national and international companies and shareholdings in more than ten different countries and with over 150 publications and products in print and online, covering Machine industry, Automotive & Mobility, Information Technology, and Law/Economy/Tax.

1998, Vogel Business Media and STIP (Scientech Information and Publications) jointly built up Beijing Vogel to publish MM China which is the copyright corporation between MaschinenMarkt of Vogel Business Media and Jidianxinxi of STIP.

2006, Vogel Industry Media set up strategic corporation with Gardner publications Inc which enjoys over 80 years publishing history in North America with its successful publications such as Modern Machine Shop, Moldmaking Technology, Plastics Technology, Automotive Design and Production and so on, covering machine and tools, mold, plastics and automobile industries, etc.

2008, Vogel Industry Media becomes a leading international media platform in China with 6 series over 15 kinds of B2B magazines, MM China, Automobile Industry China, PROCESS China, Plastics Technology China, Process Packaging, Brewing and Beverage Industry China, Labor Praxis China, etc. And also multi added –value media services are being developed, such as Conferences, DM, Online Media, Show Daily, Reprint and Market Research services based on 500,000 industry-specific database. More than 2 million decision-makers and engineers from Machine, Auto, Petrol & Chemicals, Metals, Power, Pharm, Food & Beverage, Plastics, Energy industries are being selected as target readers and conference attendees.


PROCESS《流程工业》是德国PROCESS 全部版权在中国的惟一授权杂志,创刊于1998 年,以新闻资讯、人物专访、热点论坛、技术专¼­、大事回放、展会追踪、商务连线等 形式全面报道,深度分析流程工业生产过程中的管理、工艺、技术和设备信息及典型案例,为中国石油石化、化工、制药、电力、环保水处理等流程行业提供领先实用的企业级解决方案。

出版周期:24 期/ 年

发 行 量:30,000 册

增量发行:大型行业展会增印3,000~5,000 册


PROCESS China was first published in 1998, which informs its readers about procedures, components and processes. Besides feature articles and product information, it regularly includes news, statements, interviews, market overviews and specials. And provides first-rate solutions for Chinese process industry of petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical, environment protection, water treatment,electric power and so on.

Frequency: 24 issues / year

Distributed circulation: 30,000 copies

Bonus on some exhibitions: added 3,000~5,000 copies
